Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wiley is Six Months

Wiley you are six months!

Where has the time gone?

It seems just yesterday it was March 15!

Here is what you are up to these days:

You are wearing size 3 diapers.

You haven't been to your six month check up yet, so we aren't sure of your weight.

But, I can tell you this.

You have really "oaked up" the past two months!

You are taking 6 oz. of formula every 2.5-3 hours.

You are wearing 6 month clothes.

You are sleeping from 10-11 hours every night.

You sleep in your crib in your room.

You are so happy.

You are chewing on everything!

We think you might be a thumb sucker!

You think Hughes is the funniest thing ever.

You haven't quite mastered the sitting up.

You love to roll around.

You love all the toys Hughes shares with you!

When you smile, it comes from your toes and reaches the top.

You are truly happy all over!

You make us happy all over!

Happy Six Month Birthday Wiley!

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