Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good Morning Monkey

Things Hughes says:

"Hab a good naaap?" (after any kind of sleep...nap, night time.  Doesn't matter.)

  My favorite is when he goes to

"Chick on Wiwee", during Wiley's naps.

If Wiley is awake, Hughes will ask him, "Wiwee, hab a good naaap?"

(Nap has about three syllables.  Four on a good day.)

Wiley just grins the biggest grin ever at Hughes!

If Hughes is doing something he KNOWS he shouldn't be doing...

and I catch him...

he says,  "I'm just wookin."

Uh. Huh. 
You are "Just wookin' " now that I found you standing in the drawer of the cabinet!

If someone makes a sigh or a yawn or a huff, he says, "Mommy tired?"

(No.  That was actually an expression of frustration...of my thread coming out of my needle...for the 400th time today!)

Me:  "Yes, Mommy is just tired."


Adult:  "Hughes you wanna go sit on the potty?"

Hughes:  "Need to get a book?"

Adult:  "Sure."

(Men.  They are all the same.)


Kelly Aldridge said...

Love it! I want to see your new hair cut too!

Kosek Landing said...

I 2nd the hair request!