Monday, September 12, 2011

Fall & Football

So, I had so much fun with


I thought I would start another little feed.

Stay tuned for

Fall is my favorite season.

It is also the SHORTEST season in Mississippi.

Nonetheless, it is still my favorite.

For many reasons.

The weather.

The clothes.

The weather.

The food.

Did I mention the weather?

Fall is also my husband's favorite.

For ONE reason.


Which means Fall and Football go hand in hand around here.

So, I thought I would tackle (pun intended) football from wife/mom/woman's perspective.

Good tailgate food.

(Since the "boys" have signed themselves (translation: YOU) up for a that you can feel EVEN more guilty for getting to the game 20 minutes before kickoff...dressed in a kelly green shirt when your team is clearly about maroon and white...because it FITS...children have napped so they are pleasantly playing without tantrums and running in a decent perimeter of the tent...and bringing a cooler of food...behind the wagon of baby gear...for 30 people to enjoy!  Ladies, we have a lot of yardage to cover before this season gets too far gone!) 

Great AND appropriate clothing options for Game Day!

Hosting a football party at your home.

Children and Game Day.

You know. 

The normal things we punt around during the season.

Join me!

Grab a team cup, your favorite jersey and some super cute shoes and meet me back here on Wednesdays for Fall and Football! 

1 comment:

Kosek Landing said...

Clever little things with all your play on words! Like the new "Fall and Football" button...can't get enough of that baby bed!