Saturday, September 17, 2011

Meet Peter.

ooohhh.  "Beeee.  Whas is that?"
(translation: "Ben. What is that?")

Look what big wheels you have.



My name is Peter.

Peter Bilt.

I am big.

I am bad.

Hughes isn't QUITE sure what he thinks about the "too lou. itz noiseeeee".
Translation: (Too loud. It is REALLY noisy!)

Ben thought he would really enjoy the train horn.

Needless to say.

He didn't.

Wiley, on the other hand, thought it was really funny.

Hughes thinks he will play with toys his own size.

And if you could see the way Ben and my Daddy light up when they see this big rig, engine roaring, chicken lights rimming the big truck, adoring the flat top...for some reason this is would know...

Peter is just the right size toy for the two of them!

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