Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Reality TV

So, it's NO secret that ONE of my guilty pleasures is...

reality television.


Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, Biggest Loser, Project Runway, Man hunter Fugitive Task force (random...I know), America's Got Talent, Jerseylicious (when feeling reaal low), The Dance get the point.

Just can't help it.

I can not sway you one way or the other.

You like it or you don't.

Just not my place.

You already have your own opinion of reality television.

But, I can tell you why me, myself and I like the "reality".

Remember little Jackie Evancho on America's Got Talent?

Me. Too.

Wanna know the main reason?

After her audition, she was so excited.

BUT, did you get a glimpse of her parents?

THAT my friends is why I love reality television.

Tonight on the X-Factor, a 16 year-old-boy from Southaven, MS, sang his first audition.

Can I get a woop woop?

So, seeing him perform tonight made me cry.

I mean, what DOESN'T make me cry these days?

Ever since I have had children, I am an EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER!

Believe me. 

You can ask Kent.

Anyway, back to the point of this post.

You know how some people's favorite part of a wedding is when...

the doors are closed.

the aisle is empty.

dah.  DAH dah dada. dadadadadadadaa.


the doors swing open simultaneously.

there she is arm in arm with her daddy.


Next time.

Look at the groom.

How does he look at HER?

The love in his eyes could move mountains.

SOOOOOOOOOO....what I'm saying is...

when those sweet babies are performing on stage...

the tears and joy in their parent's face make it all worth it.

Just think of all the practice time the parents have put in with the children.

All of the money they have begged, borrowed and stole JUST to pay for those classes and practices.

All of the drives to and from practice...while their child sleeps in the backseat.

All of the home videos of the proof that THIS IS what they want to do with their life.

All of the times they told their children, "You can be whatever you want to be."

This is their moment to say to their children, "I meant what I said.  I will support you to the ends of the earth to allow you to follow your dream. IF AND ONLY IF you promise to give your VERY BEST."

They hear of an audition.

Go buy an amazingly perfect audition outfit at the mall.

Buy a plane ticket.

Or hop in the car for hours and hours.

Wait in a HUGE line, lose confidence thinking the person beside, in front, behind and on top of you is probably better than you.

Step up on stage...

but before stepping on stage...

their Mama or Daddy pumps all that confidence back into their soul.

Step up on stage...

and lay it all on the line.

Their parents wait in the wings, filled with joy...regardless of what the panel of judges think or say to their sweet babies.

They have conquered the first step in success of life.

Their sweet little baby gave it a shot.

Just gave it a shot.

Isn't that ONE main thing we want to encourage our children to do?

Don't let fear stand in the way of your dream.

Just do it.

The worst thing that could happen, is no.

And then you can get back up and try..

try again.

Everyone out there...


and if it's no....



JBFerguson said...

Good lesson. PS, I am just a big of reality TV junkie as you are, I could watch it all day!

Cathy said...

You have GOT to watch 'The Sing-Off'! They use no instruments other than the ones God gave them--their voices!