Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just a Dream

On Regis and Kelly...that plays in the background of our mornings of play...

Kelly just had a charity event in a spin class!

(She is working towards promoting health in children.)

Soul Cycle was the name of the gym.

What a dream!

An entire gym dedicated to the activity of SPIN!

I would LOVE to have a small downtown building filled with spin bikes!

Just think of it:

Classes at 5 each day.

5 in the morning

5 at night

One complete hour of a great workout.

The children are still in the bed, so your day isn't interrupted.

Your not taking time from your children to do something good for you!

Great music to move your bum and move your soul!

Kent thinks this is also a great idea,

but we aren't sure enough people would love it the way I do.

(Even though I KNOW they would if they tried it.)

It's also a risk financially.

But, I DREAM of having a small room of spin bikes

encouraging our town

one person at a time

to move their bum

feed their soul

do something good.

Honestly, when I spin, I get to "Spin it Out".

What I mean by that is:

My mind gets to go mindless...spinning all the cobwebs out.

My Dad always says it's good to do something outside/different/physical to get all the cobwebs out of your mind. 

Your brain gets all cluttered by the day to day schedule and riga ma roar!

So, maybe one day, I will have my own little spin room, filled with happy faces, spinning and sweating and smiling...and then not smiling because they are mad that I am pushing them to limits they didn't really want to see today, then smiling again when they get ready for the day.  They leave knowing they have done something amazing for their body and mind today. 

Just a dream.

Maybe one day.

(If you are in the vicinity of a spin class, please go to one for me.  Please.  Drop some sweat on the floor for me today.  And, if you are in Jackson area, you should go to The Club and take Kenny's class.  You won't regret it.)

Just a dream.


Kosek Landing said...


Jenny said...

Honestly, I think if you could provide a seat that does not leave your butt sorer than your muscles after a spin class, I think you're in business.