Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Beach Tent

So, I got inspired by some tent images online and decided the boys needed their very own tent.

Ma'Lyn had some scraps of fabric left over from the clothes she had made the grandchildren.

I patched it together and draped it over the frame.

Drilled some holes in some molding I picked up at the hardware store.

And..Wa La..

a tent!

More beach pictures to come tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Write it down...

Write it down.


May 24th, 2011,...

Hughes threw his Nuk in the outside trash can.

I tried to get him to understand that it would be "Gone Gone Forever."

I pleaded with him NOT to throw the Nuk away.

Don't you understand Hughes?

Don't you understand if you throw your Nuk away, you won't have one ANYMORE?


Do you REALLY want to throw your Nuk in the "trash."

No, Baby, it's not "drose". (aka. gross)

"Hughes, do you REEEAALLLY want to throw your Nuk in the trash?"

"The Nuk that you have had since the DAY YOU WERE BORN?"

"The Nuk that symbolizes that you are STILL a SWEET BABY BOY?"

"The Nuk that I can pop in your mouth when you need to hush up settle down?"

As I TRIED with every ounce of my Mommy being to talk Hughes out of throwing his Nuk away,

he stared up at me and said,

"Trash.  Drose."

"Are you POSITIVE you want to throw that Nuk away Hughes?"

Let's just throw our snack paper away.

We can keep our Nuk. 

(with my head bobbing yes and hands in pleading position)

"Trash.  Drose."


"But if you throw your Nuk away, you WON'T have one ANYMORE."

"Trash.  Drose."

I very slowly opened the disgusting, army green lid to the trash can.

One last plea.

"Hughes,  Are you SUUURE you wanna...

Too Late.

Snack Paper and dearlybelovedlimegreenandturquoisesaviorofmysanityNuk has tumbled, hitting every single garbage bag filled with the nastiest, stinkiest diapers and waste of our life.

Ker plunk.

I heard it.

I heard my nerve endings sever with the thump.

I heard all hopes of sanity fall to the bottom of the dump.

It's over.

My love affair with the Nuk.


Well, maybe we can find a spare....somewhere?

Maybe I was the one so attached to the Nuk afterall?

I will let you know if I fall ...even more so... from the graces of dentist and speech pathologist around the world...and more importantly the ones who care for Hughes, and pop open that spare pack we bought the other day.

(Now where did I put that thing?)

Gotta go.

Wiley is crying.

Now, where is his Nuk?

(wink, wink)


My Daddy and I share a love for Jazz music.

So glad it's getting revamped and mainstreamed!

Esperanza Spalding's voice is soothing and yummy!

Love Jazz.

Always Have.

Always Will.

Pictures of Boys...Coming Soon!

While you wait, here is a video of them Saturday, if you haven't seen it already:

Hope you all have a Wonderful Week!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Silly Boy

Look at this silly boy!

Aunt Laura just happened to have these glasses in her purse...

she's cool like that...

and Hughes put them on for a good laugh!

Hoping you all have a fun and "silly" weekend!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Wiley was two months old Sunday, the 15th!

Weight:  10 lbs, 2 oz.

Height:  22 inches

You are wearing newborn and 0-3 size clothes.

You are wearing a size 1 diaper...even though it looks like it swallows you whole.

You are eating every 2-3 hours.

You are really liking the Nap Nanny that Smith let you borrow.

The doctor said, "He's not the biggest fella, but he's growing strong."

You love when Hughes, Daddy and Mommy talk to you.

You are beginning to smile and coo at us when we talk to you...

and it is the SWEETEST gummy grin!

Yesterday, I was looking for Hughes.  I found him.  Sitting in front of your car seat...on his knees...really close to your face...saying,

"Talk. Talk. Talk."

I said, "You talking to Wiley?"

"Uh huh."

Hughes likes to rock your car seat, when you are crying.

He also likes to SHOVE the nuk in your mouth when you are upset.

You LOVE tummy time on your pallet.

You LOVE getting a bath.

You are starting to sleep in the swing right beside the bed during the night.

Bless his pea pickin' heart!

This little photo session was short...short lived!

One Month

Two Months

We love you so much sweet boy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

He is Good

He is good.

So so good.

Maybe I haven't told you.

But,  He is good.

God is so good.

On days when I'm not thankful.

He is still good.

On days when rice krispies cover our floor in one swift accidental elbow to the box.

And cereal crunches between your feet as you make your way to the broom closet.

And patience is out the window.

On days when love is lost.

God is still so good.

He gave His Son for me...

for my children...

for my husband...

for our families...

for YOU...

for every person in the world.

We yearn to know Him more and more each day.

We yearn for Him to be "real" in our home and lives.

We encourage our Hughes and Wiley to pray and talk to God.

We know that when we feel ALL ALONE...

whether deep in the woods all by yourself...

or feeling alone in the world surrounded by people...

we are never alone.

God is always a breath and thought away.

We must get to know Him personally.

Kent and I just watched the video found at the link below.

To say that this story moved me, is putting it lightly.

I don't say it enough.

Hopefully, you can tell by the way I live,

but I feel the need to tell you that I love the Lord our God.

He is alive.

And I'm in awesome wonder.

His powers throughout the universe displayed.

(Can't you hear the tune in your head now.)

When you get a moment, you should watch the following:


Click on watch at the top of the page.

I found it on Kelly's Korner Blog today.

It brought me closer to Him today, as well as my family.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Music Monday

So many people have a Music Monday...

And I LOVE music...

Thought I would join the party!
Elli Goulding

She sang the first song at Kate and William's wedding party!

It is beautiful.

A little more upbeat Ellie...is "Lights"

...think it might be good for my workout playlist!

Happy Monday!

P.S.  If you wonder why I always put videos instead of JUST the song, there are two DISTINCT reasons:

1.  I am a visual person.  I like moving things.  Music brought to life.

2.  I don't know how to load JUST the music. :)

Birth Announcement

Just wanted to share Wiley's birth announcement with you all!

We sent them out last week...

didn't order enough...

par for the course...

So, I wanted to share with everyone!

Samuel Wiley Mortimer...

sweet baby boy!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Boys

Wiley has been enjoying a bit of pallet time.

When Hughes saw that Wiley had a pallet, he thought he needed his own.

(You can see his pallet in the background...not that he stayed on it...)

I love that Hughes loves holding Wiley's hand.

How stinkin' sweet are these pictures...

When they are fighting a few years from now, I'm going to show them these pictures...

and make them reinact the scene...

you know...kinda like HAVING to hold your brother's hand...

when you are so stinking mad at them you could scream...

instead, you are stuck HOLDING THEIR HAND...

no one said you couldn't squeeze as hard as you wanted...

while...SWEETLY...holding their hand.

I'm just sayin'.

Hughes thought Wiley needed his pillow.

Which he might...

but not neccisarily ON TOP OF HIS FACE!

"THAAAANK YOU Hughes...That is soooooo sweeet.  Let's put it RIIIIGHT here."

Wiley has hit a little fussy patch...

I cannot leave his sight...

I mean... I CAN...

But you better believe I'll hear about it.

Wiley likes to see me...AT ALL TIMES...

Usually SEEING me just isn't enough.

He had rather me hold him.

But look at that face...who can turn that down?

Not me...

Even though Hughes is saying, "cheeeeeeeeese." 

He has a fever...

yes, in this picture...

with a double ear infection.

We took him to the doctor Wednesday afternoon.

Doc told us that he had a double ear infection, temp of 102 and both of his tubes had fallen out.

He also told us, "If Hughes has another ear infection after he has finished this round of antibiotic, we will set him up to get tubes again."


Mama and the boys...

Hope you all have a great weekend!

AND...Happy Birthday Autumn!

AND...Aren't you glad I didn't blog about spin again?

he he

Friday, May 13, 2011

Workout Songs...

Best workout song...

My Mom even likes this song! :)

Deep down, she is pretty hip.

Just so you know! :)

I've been jogging/walking/tinch of running around the neighborhood this week.

Ended up listening to this song AT LEAST three times!

Another good workout song is...

(I'm not suggesting you watch the video...

just listen to the music...

turn it up...

pick up the living room...

make your bed...

or whatever room your computer/iPad is in...

Is not a new song...but good...

trust me!)

I am ALWAYS looking for new GOOD workout songs!

PLEASE let me know if you have a favorite that gives you an extra boost while those ear buds are in your ears!

Just wanted some of you to check out what a spin class would look like...
if you don't already know!

This is from a Regis and Kelly segment.

But you must know, the BEST part of the workout, is the...


It's almost dark in the room.

Another way to get to "spin it out"!

Foyer Bench

I found this fun bench at an estate sale recently.

LOVED it for the foyer.

Thought the blue color would really pop off of our deep grey walls.

I also found two of these pictures at the estate sale.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE art that has texture.

Actually, these days, I don't buy anything else.

Even when I paint a canvas, I add my own texture.

This bench was also in the Delta magazine this month.

They feature it with a thick cushion.

Great Idea.

We will do that in the future...with a fun fabric of course.

I'm really into pink.

I think it is because I am surrounded by boys.

I don't even NORMALLY LIKE pink.

But, in these circumstances, this house needs a tinch more estrogen.

So, that's it.

Pink somewhere in the fabric for the cushion or throw pillows.

Also, now that I am looking at this picture, I think a rug would also look great here.

Not today.

But maybe one day.

Decorating Tip for the day:  The lens gives a whole new perspective!

Take a picture of your room.

Any room you are working on.

Looking at the image through the lens gives you a different perspective.

For instance, I didn't even think about a rug in this foyer, until I saw the photo.

Hope this helps you make your house a little more of a home.

Hope you all have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

HGTV...Do you hear me?

We have made the decision to move forward with the landscape...


But since we have a blank canvas...


I know...

believe me...

It drives me BONKERS...

Back to the topic...

Since we have a blank canvas, we started on the design and Round Up yesterday.

We had a plan.

Mapped it out with a water hose, spray paint and our neighbor's help.

P.S. Our neighbor's yard looks AMAZING.  He is always working in his yard and the hard work definately pays off!  Their yard puts ours to shame.  So, we MUST do something about it!

I plan on posting pictures as we continue through this process.

This process will take years.

But, we have nothing but time.


If HGTV came to my house, I would ask for painted greyish khaki brick, wood stained shutters, thick and substantial wood stained columns, stained concrete porches, new front doors with simple lines and 3/4ths glass, two lanterns flanking the front door with gas flame, pergula built off the front with matching gas latern hanging from the center while whispers of the whisteria dance in and around the beams of the beams...and of course landscaping.

And in the backyard, a covered kitchen including the following:  built in gas grill, built in Green Egg, fireplace with a flat screen tv over the mantle, rustic dining table with mismatched chairs, brick wall around the perimeter and a fire pit encircled by adorandak chairs and tables sprinkled with blooming flowers at every nook and cranny.

I'm just saying.



We are definately a desperate landscape.

Would love to have a Insides Out backyard.

How do I sign up?


Do you hear me?

Will work for shrubs.

I know how to sweat.

We can find some helping hands.

We will give you good TV.

I will cook the entire crew rice krispie treats to munch on during the yard work.


Do you hear me?

Well, until HGTV comes to the BIG TOWN, we will toil on and create our own little masterpiece.