Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend in Photos

We had a great weekend hopping around like Easter bunnies!

Here is our weekend in photos!

Daddy and Hughes playing a friendly game of bowling!

Hughes checking out what was inside his egg at the egg hunt Saturday!

Francie hunted Easter eggs with the grace of a little lady.  She inspected each egg before placing it in her basket.  Enjoying the beauty, color and candy of each one.

Harlan, on the other hand, was on a mission.  He was running around saying, "Swipin' Eggs. Swipin' Eggs.  Swippin' Eggs."  It was so much fun to watch him "Swipe Eggs" and his basket was filled to the brim by the time the hunt was over.

Kent, Wiley, Francie, Granddaddy Brown, Harlan and Hughes. 

Just SOME of Granddaddy Brown's great grandchildren.
We can't wait until we can all get together very soon.

Hughes thought it would be a FANTASTIC idea to dump out his basket!

The Easter bunny came to visit the boys during the night.  Bunny thought it would be great to get the boys swim trunks and beach towels for the upcoming summer months!  Bunny whispered in my ear..."I think I'm gonna make the swim trunk gift a tradition."  I thought Bunny had a great idea!  I mean that will save Mama from having to buy swim trunks every year! 
Hughes, on the other hand, was more excited about the golf clubs!
 But, he had time to squeeze in a little hug for Wiley!

Hughes tried on his swim trunks and dump truck socks WITH his pajama top, of course.

Kent took Hughes on the course so he could play with his new set of clubs.  Hughes threw on his house shoes and out the door they went!

After the church service, we had brunch.  Ma'Lyn made all of the Easter outfits!  They turned out gorgeous and the children looked precious!  I LOVED the color combinations that she chose this year!

This is Hughes SQUEALING.  Because that is what Hughes does.  He squeals.  Happy Easter.

(Sometimes I like to post SOME of the series of pictures so you can feel like you were there.
Parents just trying to capture a sweet moment of their sweet babies...usually turns into...
Parents bribing their children in hopes to MAYBE get a DECENT picture of what could hopefully LOOK like a sweet moment of their SWEET? babies...)

The below photo is to be dated, signed and notarized by the Easter bunny himself.

This is the FIRST year that Francie and Harlan would get CLOSE to the sweet guy.

Maybe when Hughes is 3, like Harlan, or 4, like Francie, he will get close to the bunny.

But, this year, he just squealed when he came to our table.

Proud moment as a parent.  Proud I tell ya! 

Two of my three, sweet boys!


Harlan, Kent and Hughes tracking up the stairs.  All good things must come to an end.

Ma'Lyn and Francie

Big Daddy and Hughes 

Hope you all had a Happy Easter weekend.

The Mortimer family definitely enjoyed the special time together!


Kelly Aldridge said...

Happy Easter! Kate and Hughes need to get out on the golf course together to practice swingin' their new clubs! It's a match made in heaven!

Jenny said...

All pics are so so cute! You look amazing, I was wondering when I was going to get a Brit pic debut! I love all of the outfits, too much!

Charlie and Mandy Lynskey said...

Love these! I want to see your fellas soon...we must plan a play date! Miss you bunches, lots of love to all of you!

Kosek Landing said...

Great pictures! Loving Kent in that pink tie, and you are rocking your new Easter dress. Beautiful family!