Saturday, July 23, 2011


Samuel Wiley

You are four months old

You weigh 12 lbs exactly

You are 24 inches long

You giggled out loud for the first time on your four month birthday for me

When you smile, you get tickled all over

You are THINKING...very seriously...about rolling over

I actually think you might roll over while I write this post!

You are wearing 3 month clothes

You are wearing size one diapers

You LOVE to have someone to talk to you

You are eating every three hours

Hughes loves to talk to you

He shares lots of blocks and trains with you

When I make you a palette, Hughes wants a palette, too

You are a VERY sweet baby

You make us smile from ear to ear

You have gotten into a habit of grunting yourself to sleep

You like holding on to your rattle

You like to be in your swing

You DO NOT like being in the car seat

You love tummy time

When you are restless and fighting your sleep, I will place my hand on your cheek and you become calm

You love your hands

You are a true joy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Wiley is beginning to favor Hughes a little bit more.