Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wiley at One Month


At One Month you are:

Sweet as ever

Wearing size newborn diapers

Wearing size newborn clothes

Rolling from side to side

You are eating every 3 hours...when we're lucky

usually every 1 1/2 to 2 hours

sometimes every hour

Weigh 7.5 lbs

Are 20 1/2 inches long

You like the vibrating Boppy chair and the chair that attaches to the Pack-n-Play.

You seem to like being flat on your back.

When your tummy hurts, you like to curl up in a bitty ball, with your feet tucked under you, cuddled close to Mommy, right under my neck.
(When you are in this position, my favorite thing is to rub my chin back and forth over your soft wild hair.)

You have good neck stregnth for a one month old.

You like walking around with me in the Baby Bjorn.

Hughes can make a TON of noise and you won't even flinch.

You make us so happy and we look forward to watching you grow big and strong!

1 comment:

Ethlyn said...

WOW! I can really tell Wiley is