Last night was the very first night that we tried it alone. Gran has gone home and I have cried since the moment she walked out the door. Today I have caught myself rocking Hughes and crying, folding clothes and crying, taking a bath and crying..you name it and I can cry doing the activity!

Gran and Hughes
We laughed at the circle of life one day, as my mom was wiping my nose and as I was feeding Hughes! You never really know how much you need and want your Mom after your children are born...until they are born. During the nights, I slept on one sofa and Mama would sleep on the other sofa. After each feeding, Mama would set her alarm and wake me for the next feeding. She would have his diaper changed and Hughes would be wide awake ready to eat. After his feeding, he would go back in his sweet bassinet and sleep so sound. We started a little rhythm while she was here. The rhythm was like live classical music. However, last night the rhythm was more like a three year old beating on pots and pans in grandmother's kitchen for hours on end. It wasn't so much that Hughes was up all night...which ended up being the problem! At twelve o'clock everything went off perfectly (as perfect as they go at midnight). Kent woke up and changed Hughes' diaper. This in itself is a feat. Kent is very gentle and careful, especially with Little Man's bottom! However, when you are too careful a.k.a. too slow Hughes tends to like the fresh air hitting his bottom. Kent got the FIRST golden shower of the night. After this feeding Hughes was wet again, so I went to change him. Twenty minutes and two outfits later we finally went back to bed. Notice that I said Kent got the FIRST golden shower, well Mom got the SECOND and THIRD shower! Anyways, I set my alarm for 3:00 and confidently went back to sleep, as soon as I knew Hughes was snug and sound. The next time I wake up to look at the clock thinking the 3:00 feeding should be coming very soon. I look at the clock and it is 5:07 a.m. I completely slept through his feeding. Why? Because I set my alarm for 3:00 p.m. instead of 3:00 a.m.!!! What a bad Mom! Of course, tears came to my eyes as I fed Hughes. Where was my personal wake up call when I needed her? I will tell you. Probably snug and sound in her bed glad not to wake up every three hours! :) Altogether, the night wasn't that bad. On the positive side, Hughes slept for around 4 1/2 hours until I woke him up at 5:00! Many moms would say this is nothing to be upset about!

MaLyn and Hughes
But luckily, for the next few days we have more help. Ethlyn (MaLyn), Kent's mom, is here to help. During the daytime, I hope to get a few more naps while she watches our little one. Hughes is truly blessed with wonderful grandparents and he will learn this very soon! So here is my advice for the day...call your Mom and let her know how much you love her, because she will always be a rock for you anytime you need her.